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Fargo Real Estate: Super Agent Mike Qualley

Mike Qualley
Company: SK Realty Inc.
Hometown: Brooks MN
Your first job was: Home Remodeling
Favorite type of music: Rock n Roll
Professional training: 2 Yrs Tec. School & 18 yrs as licensed Realtor
Your favorite about selling real estate: Meeting the needs of my Clients
Did you or do you have a real estate mentor? My previous Broker Steve Krajeck
I ignite my real estate sales by: Good communication
Favorite restaurant: Red Lobster
When I cook at home I like to… have lots of variety & and serve the meal hot
One thing every homebuyer should keep in mind when searching for a home: Do lots of research and call a dependable/experienced Realtor
Your favorite charity is and why: American cancer society, have had family members that were cancer victims with ACS support

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